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William T. Rogers Middle School

Excellence in Education

Guidance & Student Support Center

Welcome to the William T. Rogers Student Support Center Promoting Academic, Social & Emotional Growth!

. A colorful word cloud featuring terms related to school counseling, emphasizing support, guidance, and student well-being

Click here for the WTRMS Positivity Pledge
Guidance and Support Staff News
Guidance and Support Staff Visit 6th Grade Health Classes!


We are super happy to be back at WTRMS!
With our Sixth graders being new to our building, they may not be used to utilizing Guidance and Support staff care.  We are very excited to have the opportunity to introduce ourselves to our students.  We spent some time explaining who we are and the roles that we play in their lives.  We look forward to working together over the next three years!


Tel: 631-269-3372
Fax: 631-269-3282

Mrs. Alcantara- alcantarak@kpcsd.org
Mrs. Stewart- stewarts@kpcsd.org

School Psychologist
Mrs. Krystin Santangelo- santangelok@kpcsd.org


School Social Worker
Social Worker- Mr. Anthony Cogliano- conglianoa@kpcsd.org

Secretarial Staff
Mrs. Jacques – jacquess@kpcsd.org
Mrs. Lowry – lowryc@kpcsd.org